Call To Actions (CTA's) are text or image boxes that allow you to display links, texts and images within a text box where you can link to specific pages, list specific information etc related to your website. Typically CTA's are used to encourage common or promotional actions to be taken by the user.
Eg - CTA's can be links to online shops, more information, links to photos and videos, links to external websites etc.
CTA tiles display in rows of four. A row containing less than four tiles will be centre aligned.
1. Under the SECTIONS header click on the CTA tab.
2. If this panel is not set to show on your website yet, then make sure you click the button to SHOW this widget on your website and adjust the order of where you would like this to sit within your website.
3. You can also add a specific backgound colour, transparency or image for this panel.
4. Click ADD CTA to add the first tile.
5. You need to select whether you want a Text, Image, or Image and Text type display for the tile. Depending on this the dropdown will display different sections to fill out.
- Input a title for this tile.
- Input a short description for this title within the content section.
- Insert the website link to where this tile will lead to.
- Insert the image needed for this tile - will be best if it had wording related to what this will link to.
- Insert the website link to where this tile will lead to.
- Insert the image
- Input a title for this tile.
- Input a short description for this title within the content section.
- Insert the website link to where this tile will lead to.

6. Repeat for any other CTA tiles you wish to have.
7. Once done, click UPDATE at the top of the webpage.