Popular Articles

  1. Merge Fields for Email Databases

    The email databases will be able to use Merge Fields as you can in other areas of the system however the list of available merge fields is significantly less The merge fields are directly related to the file that you used to append members to t...
  2. Basic Information

    This article relates to Site 1.0 The Basic Information section is the best place to start when building your website. The first tab is Website Details : Enter the Website Name  as you would like it to appear on the title tab above the...
  3. Adding Custom Fields

    Quick Steps: Go to Administration > Custom Fields > Edit. Complete the details for each field to be added. 1. Within the Management Console, select Administration from the top menu, then Custom Fields from the left menu 2. Click Ed...
  4. Including Member Information in Emails (Merge Fields)

    Insert the required Me rge Field into the content of your email where the member information is to be outputted.   Merge Fields can also be outputted in the 'Subject' field of your email campaign.  Below is a list of all available merge f...
  5. Test Credit Card

    All SportsTG pages can be tested using the test credit card details, providing the page/form is still in test mode. The test credit card will not work on a live gateway. Details are - Card Number: 5555 5555 5555 4444 (enter without the spaces...
  6. Merging Member Records

    Quick Steps: Members > Members Listing > View Member Record > Merge > Search for the member you're merging with >  Merge the old record into the new record 1. Within the Management Console, select Members from the top menu, then Members...
  7. Introducing Shop Options

    Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options Shop Options allows you to set up all of the custom information for your Shop. This includes the name of your store, the Welcome and What's New messages, receipt information, member access, and many...
  8. 2. Setting Up Your Form

    Quick Steps: TicketDesq > Select Event > Basic Information This step will take you through setting up the Basic Information for your Form, what each different area means and how you can fully  utilise  it for your online ticket sales. ...
  9. Member Statuses

    Quick Steps: Members > Members Listing 1. Within the Management Console, select Members from the top menu, then Members Listing from the left menu. 2. Complete a search for the member that you need to update the status of, or if you ne...
  10. Updating Your Website Links to 'SportsTG'

    SportsTG is currently completing the final stages of our rebrand.  This may affect some URL's that currently use our old imgstg.com domains.  Please follow the below steps to ensure both you and your audience can still access your web...