5. Setting up Venues

Each venue that you will host matches at should be added into the Sports system before creating your competition. This allows you to assign a Default Venue to each team and makes scheduling of fixtures a breeze for the administrator.

Quick Steps: Competitions > Venues > Add 

Adding a Venue:

1. Within the Management Console, select Competitions from the top menu, then Venues from the left menu.

2. Click on the Add button at the top of the page

3. Complete all of the relevant information for the venue. I

Title: Enter the name of the Venue, eg. Melbourne Cricket Ground

Code: The code is what appears on the SportsPortal eg. MCG

Address: Enter venue address

Map: Insert the google map location of the venue. This will ensure the map appears on the Sports Portal. This will be the address as seen in the address field on Google Maps for this venue

Facility: Select Number of Facilities: eg. 2
              Select Name of Facilities: eg. Pitch

Sport: Select your Sport

4. Click Save 

Insert the Longitude and Latitude of the venue into the Map section for the map of the venue to appear on the Sports portal. This adds ease of finding the location for Away players.