If your organisation wishes to set up a VIDEO (YOUTUBE) feed and/or a SOCIAL MEDIA feed for your website then you need to do so via JUICER. This service has a limited free version that you can use, or there is a paid version. Stack Commerce can use it's own paid version account if you wish to have us maintain this stream, but this requires our Juicer account being authorised to integrate with your social accounts. (Most customers use the Stack Commerce paid option).
Juicer helps to aggregate all of your brands social media posts into a feed on your website, allowing you to easily moderate and curate your content. (The free version places a Juicer promotion post in your feed).
If using your own Juicer account, admins will need to linkyour social media and/or video (youtube) accounts within Juicer. These need to be created as separate feeds within Juicer as these are displayed per channel within your website. Each feed will have a unique code from Juicer which can be input into the Stack Commerce Dashboard.
The code is a JUICER SHORTCODE created within Juicer which can be input into the Social Media Section or Video Feed Section within the Stack Commerce Dashboard.
Click here for instructions on how to add the video/youtube shortcode to the VIDEO FEED panel within your website.
Click here for instructions on how to add the social media shortcode to the SOCIAL MEDIA pabel within your website.