

About Sections
Your website home page is made up of a header, footer and a series of Sections. These sections are a series of panels with different layouts and ways of adding content to your site. You have the option to turn the display of a section on/off and you...
The banner section allows you to display colour, text, an image (or transparent background) or video as the main ''welcome image'' for your website. 1. Under the SECTIONS header click on the BANNER  tab (usually defaulted). 2. If this pane...
The Tiles section gives you the ability to create three call to action Tiles.  Navigate to the Tiles tab and click the HIDE/SHOW button. Select the section sort order for the home page of your site, and choose a background type - Transparent, col...
Countdown - PREMIUM
Navigate to the COUNTDOWN tab and click the HIDE/SHOW button. Select the section sort order for the home page of your site, and choose a background type - Transparent, colour or image. For the Countdown you will need to set a format, start and end ...
The News section allows you to display recent news articles horizontally within the section. You can configure how many news items to display (typically 4) and the most recent items will display.  If this panel is not set to show on your website ...
Match Centre
NOTE: this page panel can only be used if your organisation currently uses our GameDay Passport competition management system.   If you wish to get more information around the competition management please email our sales team .  If you use ano...
Adding and changing the match centre IDs
The below article steps you through how to get the competition and season IDs that are put into the M atch Centre Section  that displays fixtures and results. NOTE: make sure your GameDay Passport database has the CURRENT season set to be the ...
Setting up Video (PREMIUM) and Social Media feed with Juicer
If your organisation wishes to set up a VIDEO (YOUTUBE) feed and/or a SOCIAL MEDIA feed for your website then you need to do so via JUICER . This service has a limited free version that you can use, or there is a paid version. Stack Commerce can ...
Social Media Feed
NOTE: This section relies on your subscription to the Juicer platform. The Social Feed allows an organisation to link their Instagram, X (Twitter) and/or Facebook accounts to display recent posts - this section will display about 3-4 recent s...
Video Feed - PREMIUM
NOTE: This section relies on your subscription to the Juicer platform. Admins first need to set up their Video/Youtube feed via Juicer and make note of the shortcode created as this will need to be added into the website via the below process...
Counter - PREMIUM
NOTE: This feature is part of the PREMIUM tier. To check if this is available for your website, check Your Website Features Dashboard . The Counter can be used to display the number of members your organisation currently has as well as a way for...
GameDay Events
NOTE: this section can only be used if your organisation uses our GameDay Events platform. If you do not use this module then you can set up an event within the website itself, using the 'Events' section. The GameDay Events tab allows those org...
Integrate ECAL into my Stack Commerce website
Note:  This process only applies to organisation that use GameDay Events AND have a Stack Commerce Website As a GameDay Events user who also has a Stack Commerce Website , you can use the integrated ECAL functionality available in your GameDa...
The Events tab makes use of a WordPress plugin to deliver Events. There is also an option to use our GameDay Events platform, and eCal to have event data fed to your website. 1. Under the SECTIONS header click on the  EVENTS  tab. 2. If this pan...
Call To Action Tiles (CTA)
Call To Actions (CTA's) are text or image boxes that allow you to display links, texts and images within a text box where you can link to specific pages, list specific information etc related to your website. Typically CTA's are used to encourage co...
The Partners page panels allows you to display the sponsors of your organisation. Click here to see how to set up additional partners. The sponsor images display on the website with an automated scroll when there are more images than what the scre...
Additional Partners - PREMIUM
NOTE: This add on has to be enabled for your organisation. To check if this is available for your website,  check Your Website Features / GameDay Dashboard . If you want to add extra partners that display separate from your  major partners pane...
Custom Content
NOTE: This add on has to be enabled for your organisation. To check if this is available for your website, check Your Website Features / GameDay Dashboard . The custom content sections allows you to add whatever content you wish to have displa...