Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Add
Entry Types are how the SportsTG system categorises your Event's Entrants and determines how much they pay for their Entry into your Event. Adding multiple entry types allows organisations to have multiple price points for entrants.
1. Within the Management Console, select Events from the top menu, then Event Console next to the required event. 2. Select Entry Types from the expanded left menu. 3. Click Add at the top of the page. 4. You will now need to set up the information for your Entry Type. The most important areas to complete are:- General Tab: Title, Detail, Order
- Pricing Tab: Standard Label, Start Date, End Date, Price, Early Bird or Late Entry Pricing
- Eligibility Tab: If there is any specific eligibility criteria available
- Invoice or Attachment Tab: Select Standard, Custom or Both to ensure that your Standard and/or Custom Receipt and Attachment will be sent to the Entrant on Registration.
- Other: PIN Codes, Bib System and Teams Enabling