Adding Users

Quick Steps: Go to Administration > Users > Add

1. Within the Management Console, select Administration from the top menu, then Users from the left menu.

2. Click Add at the top of the page.

3. Give the User a name. This can be their actual name or titled based on their position.

4. Set Console Access to Yes and give the user a Username and Password.

5. Go through each of the other Tabs and set up the User to have access to the areas that they require access to.

A round radio button symbolises a menu option. If set to Yes that user will be able to access, if set to No the menu will not show.

A square tick box symbolises a function within that menu. If ticked the user will be able to complete that task (eg delete a member), if left unticked the user will not be able to complete that task.

6. Once you have given the user access to all required modules, click Save.

Additional Information:
If you already have Users set up that require similar permissions to the new user, Copy the existing user to copy over their permissions and then edit as required.