Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Copy
Entry Types are how the SportsTG system categorises your Event's Entrants and determines how much they pay for their Entry into your Event. When adding multiple entry types at the same time, you can use the Copy function to maintain any information that may carry from one Entry Type to the next.
1. Within the Management Console, select Events from the top menu, then Event Console next to the required event. 2. Select Entry Types from the expanded left menu. 3. Click Copy at the top of the page. 4. Select the Entry Type that you wish to create a copy of from the drop down menu, then click Copy. 5. This will display the new version of the Entry Type. Click Edit to make changes to the new Entry Type. Additional Information: If your Entry Types aren't displaying on the front-end form, always check that the Entry Type is set to Online and that it is within the Start and End Dates of the Entry Type.