Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Subscription Types > Edit > Schedule
Once Instalments has been added for your organisation, you then need to create Instalment Schedules on the Subscription Types that you wish to offer Instalments for. This is all set up through the Subscription Type.
1. Within the Management Console, select Subscriptions from the top menu, then Subscription Types from the left menu.
2. Find the Subscription Type that you wish to add an Instalment Schedule to and click Edit next to the Type.
3. In the General tab, you'll find Instalment Schedule, set this to Date Schedule to set specific dates for payments to come out, or Recurring to have dates come out on a recurring interval.
5. Click Edit to set up the schedule dates.
6. If using the Date Schedule, select the Date and then the Value to be deducted on that date. You can also add an additional charge to any of the Schedule Dates.