Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Subscription Types > Distribute
Distributing a Subscription Type from Tier 1 or 2 to those organisations that sit below you enables an organisation to define Subscription Types that are available to their member organisations, as well as lock off the amount that is to be paid to the Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 organisations. Organisations in a Tiered setting will need to distribute Subscription Types to any Regions/States/Clubs that are added after the initial rollout has taken place, or if they have added a new Subscription Type option during their year.
1. Within the Management Console, select Subscriptions from the top menu, then Subscriptions Types from the left menu. 2. Select Distribute from the top of the screen. 3. Choose the Subscription Type that you wish to distribute and click Next. 4. Select the location/s that you wish to distribute the Subscription Type to. This can be done either organisation by organisation or to all organisations that sit in a specific tier. 5. Choose which amounts you wish to lock off. Any amounts that are locked off cannot be edited in the newly created subscription type. 6. Click Distribute and your Subscription Type will be distributed down to your tiered organisations. Note: Please Note: Distributed Subscription Types do not link back to the Subscription Type they were created from. This means that any changes made at the National or State level will not automatically be reflected in tiered organisations. If you need to make large scale changes to Subscription Types, please contact your Account Coordinator at SportsTG.