Quick Steps: Events > Event Console > Entry Types > Edit > Pricing
Within Events, you have the option of creating Early Bird and Late Entry fees for your Event, all within the one Entry Type.
1. Within the Management Console, select Events from the top menu, then Event Console next to the required event.
2. Select Entry Types from the expanded left menu. 3. Click Edit next to the Entry Type that you wish to make changes to. 4. Go to the Pricing tab. 5. Set Enabled to Yes for either Early Bird or Late Entry to display the additional options. 6. Give the Early Bird or Late Entry Pricing a Label. This may match the name of the Entry Type, or be different depending on your Event. The most common option is to label this 'Entry Type Name - Early Bird' or 'Entry Type Name - Late Entry'. 7. Set the Price and the Dates that the Early Bird or Late Entry will start or end on. 8. Click Save to update the changes made to your entry type. Additional Information: The dates for the Standard, Early Bird and Late Entry pricing will all run together, so you only need to set the Start Date for the Early Bird and the End Date for the Late Entry and they will automatically switch on and off with the dates set for the Standard Pricing.