Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Subscription Types
Subscription Types define the Payment Category that applies to the member. They allow the organization to determine the prices for members based upon the age group they sit in or the benefits that they receive from the membership.
1. Within the Management Console, select Subscriptions from the top menu, then Subscription Types from the left menu.
- Archive a Subscription Type
- View members attached to a specific Subscription Type
- Transfer members from one Subscription Type to another
- Distribute a Subscription Type to a Tiered Organisation
- Edit an existing Subscription Type, including customising receipts and invoices
- Copy an existing Subscription Type
- Add a new Subscription Type
Additional Information:
Subscription Types intertwine with the Member Type, and every Subscription Type has a default Member Type. Member Types define what the member is, be that an Athlete, Gold Member, Competing Member, Recreational Member; whereas the Subscription Type defines how much the member will pay.