Once you create PIN Managers, you need to email them access to the PIN Manager Portal. This is an online site where Managers can login and manage the PIN Sets they have been assigned
Step 1: Email the PIN Manager their access details to the PIN Portal by clicking EVENTS > EVENT CONSOLE > PIN MANAGEMENT > PIN MANAGERS > ACTIONS NEXT TO THE RELEVANT MANAGER > EMAIL
A window will then open where you can customise the email sent to the PIN Manager
To Email Address: this field will be pre-populated with the information you included when setting up the PIN Manager account. You can change this email if you would like it sent to another address
Sender's Name: this field will be pre-populated with the official name of your event as listed in the Basic Information. This can be changed to a persons name of business department if required
Sender's Email Address: this will be pre-populated with the 'Contact Us' email address you list for your event in Basic Information. This can be changed to the address this email should be sent from
Subject: this field will be pre-populated with the official event name and the phrase Event Management Portal'. This can also be changed to reflect what is appropriate
Message Body: The body of your email is auto-generate with content we have created for you. However, you can also customise this message with relevant event related material if required.The system will pre-fill their username and password information from what you created in their PIN Manager account. The relevant PIN Portal URL link can also be found in the body of the email
Once you have customised your email template, simply press SEND
Please Note -This process will need to be completed for EVERY PIN Manager you create