

Member Exports
Quick Steps: Members > Export    1.Select Members and then select Export from the left menu 2.Select the relevant option from the expanded blue menu: Single Member enables you to select an individual from the m...
Creating an Export Template
Quick Steps: Members > Export > Export Templates > Add Exporting your data enables you to pull your members’ information into an Excel Spreadsheet. When exporting you can choose to export all the fields in the Members Listing (which would inc...
Exporting Notes
Quick Steps: Members > Export > Notes Export Notes allow you to track additional comments and information with a member's record. You can view notes in the member record, or you can export all members who have a note with a certain Note Type ...
Exporting Qualifications
Quick Steps: Go to Members > Member Qualifications > Export 1. Within the Management Console, select Members from the top menu, then Member Qualifications from the left menu. 2. Click Export next to the qualification you ...