Once you have created a venue, you must determine when that venue is available to host matches for your competitions. This will then determine when the system allocates particular games, to ensure games are not allocated when the venue is unavailable.
1. Select the Sports module along the top menu
2. Select the Venues tab on the left-side menu
3. Because you have previously created your venue/s, you will now see a listing of these on the screen. Click on the relevant venue title you wish to allocate availability for.
4. Within this screen, navigate to the tab called Times
5. Click the Edit button
6. Against the relevant day of the week, click the Add Time button
7. Update the time by clicking on the clock icon and using the up and down arrows. You then have the ability to apply this timeslot across multiple days, by ticking the days of the week this timeslot is applicable for.
8. Click Save
9. Repeat this process until your venue has all of the available timeslots created
Note: By making a venue available at a particular timeslot, this determines the start time of the match and allow you to fixture an entire match into this timeslot.