If you do not already have your own domain name, you are able to purchase one from Sports Technology Group. This includes your unique domain name, domain name hosting and full support to switch you live.
To find out if the domain name you want is available and set yours up, please follow the instructions here: https://imgstg.partnerconsole.net/store/
To transfer your current domain name that is hosted by another organisation, please obtain a transfer password from your current host and follow the instructions here: http://imgstg.partnerconsole.net/execute2/store/domain-transfer?start=
If you are a Bowls Australia or Baseball Australia club, you are entitled to a free sub-domain e.g. www.yourclub.bowls.com.au or www.yourclub.baseball.com.au.
Please contact your state or national organisation to have this set up and then add the URL (including the www.) in your console.
An attachment is included below with instructions on how to register your domain through Sports Technology Group.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to send them through to support@imgstg.com