Network Search (if enabled)


Understanding Network Search
Quick Steps: Members > Network Search The Network Search allows administrators to transfer members from one Club to another.  When a network search request is 'approved' the member record will move from one Club to another, thus maintaining a...
Network Search and Member Transfers
Quick Steps: Go to Members > Network Search Understanding the Network Search 1. Within the Management Console, select  Members  from the top menu, then click  Network Search  from the left hand menu 2. Enter at lease one of the ...
Approving a Transfer
Quick Steps: Home > Approve Transfer Members who change clubs should be transferred using the Member Transfer function in the system. In this way, the member’s history is maintained in a single record, making it easier for the member to remem...
Transferred Member Records
Once a member is transferred to your organisation they will automatically be added to your Members Listing. This will allow you to view and edit the member record as you wish or need to.  There are some areas that will be locked off from editin...