

Understanding Instalment Statuses
Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Instalments > Schedule Instalments move through a range of statuses as they are being processed. These are: Active, Inactive, Rejected and Completed. ACTIVE Active Installments are those insta...
Viewing Scheduled Instalments
Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Instalments > Schedule Viewing Instalments allows you to view the instalment payments that have been made to your organisation, as well as those payments that are yet to be processed. 1. Within the Management Co...
Exporting a Sceduled Instalment Report
Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Instalments > Schedule > Export Exporting an Instalment Report allows you to extract an instalment schedule report to asses monies received on installments and also to see the money still owing. 1. Within the Ma...
Updating a Credit Card for Scheduled Instalments
Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Instalments > Schedule 1. Within the Management Console, select Subscriptoins from the top menu, then Instalments from the left menu. 2. Select Schedule   from the expanded left menu. 3. Search f...
Processing Rejected Instalments
Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Instalments > Schedule > Rejected > Payment Reset Processing an Individual Instalment 1. Within the Management Console, select Subscription from the top menu, then Instalments from the left menu...
Managing Rejected Instalments
When offering instalments to your membership base, it is important to remember that this process will need to be managed, as members cards can expire and/or decline for many reasons. When this does occur, the instalment schedule for that member...
Making an Instalment Schedule Inactive
Quick Steps: Subscriptions > Instalments Making an instalment schedule inactive means that the automated routine that debits a members card, will no longer pick up a particular member for future payments. The steps involved in this process di...