

How do I alter the title of the Auction?
When this occurs, email support@sportstg.com with this message and link your item. Subject: Auction – Title Amendment Body: I need the title of my Auction to read [insert new title] [link auction item] *Please note you will have ...
How do I alter the end date or time of an Auction item?
When this occurs, email support@sportstg.com with this message and link your item. Subject: Auction – Date/Time Amendment Body: I need the date/time of my Auction to finish at [insert new end time/date] [link auction item] *Pleas...
How do I alter the reserve price of an Auction item?
When this occurs, email support@sportstg.com with this message and link your item. Subject: Auction – Reserve Price Amendment Body: I need the reserve price to be set at [insert new reserve price]. [link auction item] *Please not...
Update Timezone for Daylight savings
Login to your console > Auction  tab > Options > General > Edit Timezone > Select correct Timezone for your State > Save ...