

Meets - Explanation & Creation
Quick Steps: Events > Results Manager > Meets > Actions > Add A stand alone Meet can be created for all Meets that do not utilise Events (ie Olympics, World Championships). This will allow single results to be added into the Results Portal ma...
Event Types - Explanation & Creation
Quick Steps: Events > Results Manager > Meets > Event Types > Actions > Add Event Types are classified as the different Events that make up a meet, before any age groups or divisions are assigned (eg 100m sprint) Please note: This functi...
Divisions - Explanation & Creation
Quick Steps: Events > Meets > Divisions > Actions > Add A division classifies events based on age groups and allows the results to be categorised and searched based on the groupings. Please note: This is only available at the national le...
Events - Explanation & Creation
Quick Steps: Events > Meets > Events > Actions > Add Events are the individual events within a Meet where the division and gender is defined.  For this reason, Event Type and Division  sections should be created before the Event is...