

Introducing Shop Options
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options Shop Options allows you to set up all of the custom information for your Shop. This includes the name of your store, the Welcome and What's New messages, receipt information, member access, and many...
Shop Options
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > Shop Options 1. Login to the console, and select Shop from the top menu 2. Select Shop Settings from expanded left menu, then Options 3. Click Edit , then Shop Options from the ...
Other Options
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > Other Options 1. Login to the console, and select Shop from the top menu 2. Select Shop Settings from expanded left menu, then Options 3. Click Edit , then Other Options from th...
Setting up Conversion Tracking
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > Other Options > Goggle Conversion Code Conversion Tracking uses Google AdWords to allow your organisation to track which of your keywords best helps lead to sales in your Shop store. To use this f...
Members Options for Shop
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > MemberDesq This tab allows you to automatically integrate your shop orders directly into the member database. If Automatic transfer is set to “Yes”, all customers who purchase online will have a m...
Customising Member Login Text
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > MemberDesq > Member Login Text If you have integration with your Member database setup within Shop, you can customise the message that is displayed to members when they log in. This enables you to...
Customising Shop Receipts
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > Invoice You are able to customise your Shop Receipt to include additional information outside of the standard receipt that will be sent to your customers. This can then be used to outline such inf...
Setting Up Pagination
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > Design Pagination allows you to control how many products display on a single page within your online store.  1. Within the Management Console, select Shop from the top menu, then Shop Settin...
Pop Up Window
Quick Steps: Shop > Shop Settings > Options > Pop Up Window The Shop Pop Up Window functionality is an advanced marketing tool that enables site administrators to grab the attention of your visitors at the point of site entry, via an engaging...